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Building Descriptions:

Class: Storage/HQ.
Stores: Everything.
The Headquarters is used as storage for resources and people. It is also the home of your good self so it is important that you protect it against the enemy. Storage space is limited so you will probably need at least one Warehouse to store a large bulk of your goods. If this building is lost the game is over - so guard it well!

Class: Storage.
Stores: Everything.
This is a very important building. Without the Warehouse you may find that resources and people are delayed in the process of leaving your Headquarters. Don't underestimate the usefulness of this Building.

Class: Production.
This is an important building for the collection of Stone, Ore, Coal and Oil. A good production of Ore is needed to create Gold for wealth. A good production of Ore is also the key to producing Steel. You will need a good supply of Oil to fund Research and a good supply of Stone is always required as it is the main building material.

Class: Production.
Important building for the creation of Wheat, Fruit and Vegetables. This should be one of the first buildings to be built. The Farmhouse will supply the most basic food supply which is needed in most buildings and a good supply of Wheat is used for the Bakery and Brewery buildings.

Class: Production.
The place where your Steel is turned into Armour which is the important resource of War.

Pump House
Class: Production.
The Water source. Water is needed for drinking and well as various production buildings. Without a good supply of water you will have many health problems.

Wizard Hut
Class: Home.
This building will become useful when your land expands. It allows you to place Wizards closer to your expanding areas. Wizards are also required for the extinguishing of fires so be sure to have Wizards available throughout your settlement.

Peasant Hut
Class: Home.
A nice peaceful building which gives the Maidens the privacy they need and it also stops the Headquarters from becoming too overcrowded. Population reproduction rates can be raised by building Peasant Huts.

Foresters Hut
Class: Production.
The source of your wood collection. Your forester will happily collect up the wood from the surrounding trees. As the wood is collected it is also distributed about the local buildings.

Stone Mason
Class: Production.
The Stone mason will search the land for rocks. This is probably the best source of stone you will have. Many rocks will contain Coal and Ore. This is a good way to collect resources when there are no available mining areas.

Class: Production.
This is yet another important building where your Ore is refined to become Gold and Steel. Gold is always needed to fund repairs, pay for buildings and for training training new units. Steel is also a popular building material as well as the necessary resource for creating Armour. Without a Refinary you will have very little use for Ore.

Class: Production.
The Fishery must be built close to the sea or lakes. The Fishery will not provide a lot of fish but it is important to provide a wide range of food. This building is not avilable in the Lava regions because thre are no Fish to be found in the Lava lakes.

Class: Production.
This is where the last remains of your people (the Cross) can be refined to become a single element of Magic. The magic is then used to aid you in future developments an as a part of ongoing repairs.

Class: Special Building/Research.
The important base for advancing technology. This is where your Scientist will be housed and provided with the resources to develop new technologies and any other helpful advances to aid you on your mission.

Class: Production.
This is where the Bread is formed from the Wheat and Water. While it is possible to live without the Bread it is worth providing it to improve the diet of your people. The Bread is even more important when fresh Fish in unavailable.

Class: Production.
The Wine is not the most healthy food source but it helps to keep your people happy. It is possible to live without this Food type but if your Population get unhappy you may be forced to provide them with this building.

Food Factory
Class: Production.
Modern day living has inspired the use of a simple approach to creating food. This is the easiest way to provide a good range of food but it is also the most expensive method so keep a watch on your Gold supplies.

Class: Special Building/Training.
This is where you will train your Peasants to become other Units. You can train a Peasant to become a Guard at the cost of one Gold and one Armour. You can also train a Peasant to become Scientist or a Wizard at the cost of one Gold.

Class: Special Building/Storage/Health.
Stores: People/Food.
The Hospital works in a similar way to the Warehouse. It acts as a storage of people and food. There are some important differences. The healthy living will allow your people to recover health quickly. If you have many Peasants in the Hospital and you request for a Peasant to leave the building then the most healthy Peasant will leave first. Any time during the game you find a sick person you should always send him/her to the Hospital to recover.

Gun Tower
Class: Fort.
This is one of the offensive buildings. When the building houses a Guard and a supply of Stone you will see the Tower appear. The Tower will automatically aim at any enemy building or Unit that is in range.

Other Storage Buildings
Class: Storage.
You will develop more storage buildings that will help to distribute materials and food. The Food Store building will allow you to store large amounts of food where it is needed. The Water Tower will allow you to store Water where it is needed. These buildings don't seem very useful at first but the use of specialised buildings will lower the traffic problems caused by a large network of buildings controlled by a few storage buildings.

More Buildings
Your scientists will invent more buildings. It is your duty to discover these yourself. In future Conquest packs there will be additional buildings and more technologies to develop.

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Foundation is ©1997/1998 Sadeness Software and Paul Burkey. All rights reserved.
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Foundation Support - Paul Burkey

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